Build A Product Hunt Like (SaaS)
- Register account
- Redirect user to settings page
- User account settings
- Display success alert
- Display initial content fields
- Posting a product
- 1st page - New
- Only allow products that haven't been posted
- Error message when already hunted
- Sending through page parameter
- Create 3 stages for submission
- Creating condition for when existing launch date already exists
- Redirect to unique product page
- Home page
- Display products within dates
- Create a product search function
- Redirect to product page
- Upvotes
- Adding upvote
- Removing upvote
- Product page
- Display initial content
- Redirect to user profiles
- Commenting on a product
- Creating comments
- Displaying comments
- Profile page
- Following a user
- Unfollowing a user
- Display list of upvoted products
- Display list of created products
Additional features
- Navigation menu
- Schedule launches
- Add tags to products
- Build your own ranking algorithm on the home page